Thought to have left the PS3 scene, developer JaiCraB is back with a new homebrew app called Mount Alejandro. The app was developed and released by JaiCraB and ps3mrenigma. The main function of this app is to enable you the ability to write to /dev_flash directory--the location of the PS3's firmware files. To accomplish this task, Mount Alejandro would mirror /dev_flash to /dev_alejandro--turning /dev_alejandro into the active one. Let's hope this app brings us one step closer to a custom firmware for the PS3. Below is a rough translation of the readme file.
Flash Writer Enabler:
This application allows the mounted one of the /dev_Alejandro unit. This unit is a mirror of the /dev_flash unit, being this active one also.
The /dev_flash unit lacks permissions of writing, useful to read like towards formerly, nevertheless the new one, IF it has writing permissions.
It is for this reason, that we do not become people in charge of the evil use that can be given this application, to the used method, etc. As end users YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR the USE THAT YOU DO OF THIS PROGRAM IN YOUR MACHINES!
To have it in account before wanting to manipulate firmware, archives XML, etc."
Direct Download
Via PSGroove
Source demonhades
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